Saturday, September 12, 2009

1st time for everything...

this week i made Pazookie for the first time in Chattanooga...It is amazing how a simple recipe can make you feel an emotion but i'm not going to lie i feel a few. Seems like everything i cook is connected to a memory, and i can't even begin to write my Pazookie memories. And those memories only lead to heavy muffins, pancakes, and superbowl snacks. Which give way to coconut bra cakes, Thanksgiving celebrations engagement party...everything, and bread cooked for six hours in a 350 degree oven (aka charcole).

How is it possible that all of my memories of college are tied to food? Now i'm not going to lie i miss my friends. What sweet times. Unforgettable. Maybe i'm wasting time writing to absolutely nothing...but this whole leaving and starting over is new to me and i think its hard.

But this is not as sad as i had originally thought I say all of this to say...i started a new file for memories this week. I didn't throw out those old memories. They can never be replaced. I simply expanded my idea of friends and of sweet times. And it was all because of one simple dessert.

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