Sunday, September 20, 2009

am i the only one who doesn't feel like i should be an "adult?"

I'm realizing that i am one more and more every day...beginning with the fact that i am truely struggling to make my new phone do what i want it to do...and ending with the fact that all i want it to do is make a phone call!

long gone are the days of text conversations that last for several hours. "Reply to text" is now a part of my to do list for the day. I feel that sweat pants are no longer appropriate day wear...even if i am achieving a "sporty look." And coffee is no longer a recreational activity on a rainy, college is the good life. seriously! why did no one tell me? (ok besides that one song...bla bla bla)

1 comment:

  1. grown ups. what is up with that? i miss bubbles and backyard swimming pools..!

    and i miss you!

    pictures of the house soon? ;)
